Next, we moved to the clay modelling. The modelling for the hatchback based on our sketches was done on a section of the Altroz clay model, while the ACE clay model played canvas for the truck teams. The clay used by Tata Motors is very special because it softens in warm temperatures and hardens in cold temperatures. The clay modelling team is a tremendously skilled lot and the level of detail they go to for replicating the sketch is insane. The entire clay process is a long one and we managed to get a small section of the hatch replicated, given the limited time we had. Some of us also had a hands on experience with the clay.

We then moved to the Digital scanning part, where sections of the clay model are meticulously scanned and data is sent to a computer. We then got to see a digital render of our clay model on the computer screen. Again, this process also takes multiple weeks, so we managed to do just a portion of the model as a demonstration.
