It was now time for what we were at the studio in the first place. A crash course and Master Class in car design. We were divided into 4 teams, each with three members. Two teams were assigned the task to design a truck, while the other two a hatchback. We landed up with the latter and our was the Orange Team. Each team was also assigned a mentor, and Neeraj was the go to guy for our task. Once we sat down on our table to get down to business, we realized how tough this was. A typical design process takes up to 48 months to get done and finalized. We had a time limit of just over an hour to get our design ready. Crash course remember? The first 10-15 minutes were spent giving each other blank looks and trying to figure out how to go about it. We finally got cracking after Neeraj asked to start off by noting down what features and design elements we were looking for in our hatch. Things steadily progressed and we finally had our design board ready. High ground clearance, an aggressive front face, sub 4 metre length and practicality in terms of interiors were just some of the things we focused on. After getting our concept clear, Neeraj helped us in sketching out a proper design our hatchback. We finished just as time was up.. phew!! Time just flew and we didn’t even realize. We showed our sketches to Pratap, who appreciated our thought process over the design, though I must say the other teams came up with some fabulous designs themselves.
